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Blackpeak Station Page 20


  Charlotte saw the dress register on his face. He put the wine down and leaned back against the mantelpiece, his eyes sliding over her.


  ‘I’ve been waiting for you.’

  ‘So I see.’

  She uncrossed her ankles. Luke leaned over her chair, watching her face as he slowly ran a hand up her thigh. She saw his eyes widen. ‘Baby …’ He drew in his breath. ‘You really have been waiting for me.’

  ‘So, what are we celebrating?’ She moved her hips slightly.

  ‘This.’ He nosed her neck. ‘And that.’ Charlotte closed her eyes as he moved to kiss her, but his lips barely brushed against hers. ‘And you marrying me.’

  Her eyes flew open. ‘What did you say?’

  ‘I think I just asked you to marry me.’

  She stared at him in shock. ‘But …’

  The green eyes laughed down at her. ‘But what? I should be down on one knee?’ He lowered himself to the carpet. ‘Mmm … you’re quite right.’

  ‘But how would that even … what would we do?’ Luke was already beginning to demonstrate rather effectively. She tried to hold her train of thought. ‘I mean … how would we live? I need to be here, and you need to be in Christchurch.’

  Luke looked up. ‘I need to be with you. Right here.’ His hand pressed home his point. ‘Every night. If that means living here, then that’s what we’ll do.’

  ‘Really?’ She arched her back.


  ‘Don’t stop.’

  ‘You haven’t said yes yet.’

  Hadn’t she? Christ. This was totally mad. She groaned. ‘Yes.’

  ‘Yes what?’

  Oh, she really had no idea … ‘Yes please?’

  Luke smiled. ‘Good girl.’ She gasped at her reward. ‘But I was going for yes, I’ll marry you.’

  Oh my God, oh my God. She couldn’t, could she? The room was slipping away. Oh, maybe she could … ‘Yes, I’ll marry you.’

  ‘I now pronounce you man and wife.’ The minister beamed. ‘You may kiss the bride.’

  The organist leapt into action as Matt lifted the veil from Siri’s face and kissed his wife. In the second pew back, Kath dabbed at her eyes. Charlotte, much to her chagrin, was forced to do the same. Kath squeezed her arm.

  ‘Your turn next, dear! I’m so happy for you.’

  Charlotte blushed and smiled. Beside her, Jen sniffed.

  ‘Tissue, dear?’

  ‘No, it’s okay thanks,’ replied Jen sourly. ‘Something just got up my nose for a second.’

  Charlotte ignored her. The service really had been lovely. Of course she was doing the right thing. Totally. It was just the fact that she hadn’t seen Luke for a week that was making their engagement seem so … unreal. That she’d had to tell everyone by herself, without him beside her to confirm it.

  ‘Are you sure, dear?’ Kath had asked, peering at her naked hand, when Charlotte broke the news on Monday night.

  Jen had been more forceful. ‘Are you nuts?’ she’d demanded. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because I love him. He makes me …’ Charlotte smiled to herself. ‘Weak at the knees, you might say.’

  ‘Oh, for Christ’s sake. So does cholera. Charlie, will you stop and think about what you’re doing? With your actual brain, I mean?’

  Rex had harrumphed something along the lines of ‘hope you’ll be very happy’ and then hardly spoken at all for three days. And as for Nick — well, he hadn’t even been able to manage that much.

  ‘I don’t know what to say to you, Charles.’

  An expensive silence had frosted the line from Milan.

  ‘How about, you’re happy for me?’

  ‘Okay … but I think you’re making a huge mistake.’

  ‘Thanks a lot.’

  ‘I’m sorry. But I do.’

  At least she’d known her mother would be pleased.

  ‘Oh, Charlotte, darling — that’s fabulous!’ She’d heard the pull of a tissue leaving the box. ‘I’m so happy for you.’ Andrea sniffed a couple of times. ‘It is quite soon, though, isn’t it, dear? Are you sure you shouldn’t try living together first, see how things go?’

  Bloody hell.

  It wouldn’t have been so bad if she didn’t have doubts of her own. After all, she and Luke had only known each other for a few months — she could probably still count the number of days they’d actually spent together. Or at least, she would be able to, if her mind would stop wandering off to exactly how they’d spent them … Was jaw-dropping sex really a basis for lifelong commitment? As it always did at this point in the argument, Charlotte’s spine began to tingle. Maybe not — but it was a pretty damn good start. Every night. She smiled. Luke would be back tomorrow.

  ‘Have you made any plans yet?’ Kath asked, as they filed out of the church.

  Blushing again, Charlotte shook her head. Not for the wedding, no … ‘I guess we can start talking about it tomorrow.’ At some point.

  ‘Come on,’ said Jen, leading the way to the car. ‘Let’s get to the bar.’

  ‘Are you thinking church or civil?’

  ‘Oh, church, I think,’ she decided, airily, on the strength of today.

  ‘What religion is Luke?’

  Um … She was rescued by the photographer.

  ‘Come on, everyone — group picture!’

  When he’d finished, Charlotte and the other guests left the newlyweds posing in front of the lake and drifted off to the reception. For once, there were more utes than tour buses in the hotel car park.

  Eventually, Matt and Siri made their entrance, both grinning from ear to ear. Charlotte couldn’t help but smile too — Matt looked like a younger, schoolboy version of himself in his bow tie and tails. As a tide of his female relatives swept Siri away, Matt sauntered over to join his workmates at the bar. Rex slapped him on the back.

  ‘Well done, mate.’

  ‘So!’ Charlotte leaned in. ‘You can tell us, now — where are you off to for your honeymoon?’

  Matt glanced around. ‘Promise you won’t tell?’



  ‘Trekking? You’re kidding, right?’

  Matt looked surprised. ‘No — I’ve always wanted to see the Himalayas. I had a good talk to Hurry about the trip.’

  ‘Do you think Siri will like it, though, dear?’ asked Kath delicately.

  ‘Yeah, course. It’s about the only place she hasn’t been.’ He searched the crowd for his bride. ‘I can’t wait to see her face.’

  ‘Yeah.’ Jen sipped her wine. ‘I wouldn’t mind seeing that one myself.’

  ‘Anyway, I’d better go find her … see you later.’

  The hotel put on a pretty good buffet — also accidentally attended by several Japanese tourists who’d come to get their photos taken with the bride. After they’d been ushered back to their guide, and the speeches had been made, the band struck up, and the older generation waltzed the early evening away.

  Charlotte watched Matt sweep Siri around the dance floor. They looked so happy. Who’d have given them a chance? It wasn’t as if they’d known each other for years … Or — she glanced over at the top table, where Siri’s parents still sat, looking slightly nervous — that Matt and Siri had anything much in common. Not even a country. And they didn’t care. They were together — that’s all that mattered. Everything else they could just work out as it came along. She felt a lump rise in her throat.

  Except that she and Luke … well, they weren’t exactly together, were they? They weren’t even in the same district.

  ‘Where’s this supposed fiancé of yours, then?’ Owen from Glencairn, looking rather the worse for the bar, slid into the empty seat beside her. ‘Vanished again? Reckon Matt’s got more chance of seeing a yeti than we have of clocking your bloke.’

  Looking round for a means of escape, Charlotte opened her mouth to say ‘he’s working tonight’. As her eyes glanced over the
doorway, she stopped. There he was, in his beautiful pinstriped suit and his crisp white shirt and his lilac silk tie, making everything else in the room look so ordinary. He was scanning the tables, looking for her. She watched him, waiting for his eyes to find her, and caught her breath as they did. It was like a line sinking into her chest — she could feel it tightening as he began to walk towards her. Towards her. He was the sexiest man she had ever seen, and he wanted to marry her — what the hell had she been thinking? How could she have any doubts?

  ‘There he is,’ she told Owen, without taking her eyes from Luke’s face. She could pretty much hear Owen’s jaw drop as Luke stopped beside her chair.

  ‘Hi.’ Luke leaned down. ‘You smell good,’ he breathed, against her Chanel-ed neck. The room disappeared as he kissed her.

  When Charlotte opened her eyes, Owen had fled.

  ‘I like this.’ Just below her collarbone, Luke traced the neck of her new silver lace dress. ‘So what’s the rest of it like?’

  Shorter than you’d expect, actually. She swung her legs out from under the table.

  Luke’s mouth twitched. ‘I like it more.’

  She smiled, relieved. She’d bought the dress online — after old Jim Clements’ crack about bridegrooms at the races last year, she’d been too scared to wear her Fratelli Sammartino tux to an actual wedding — and when she tried it on with her heels she’d been a bit shocked at how little it covered. ‘What happened to the business dinner you couldn’t get out of tonight?’

  ‘Turns out I could.’ He stroked the back of her knee. ‘It got cancelled this morning. I did call’ — he pinched her gently — ‘but your phone was off.’

  It always was — she never could remember to turn it on when she did get to somewhere with a signal.

  ‘So … are you pleased to see me?’

  Looking into his eyes, Charlotte sighed happily. So very pleased. ‘Want to dance?’

  Luke turned his head, surveying the dance floor with a shudder. ‘How about we get out of here?’

  ‘But the party’s just starting.’

  ‘Uh-huh.’ His hand slid over and up her thigh. He leaned in, his mouth close to her neck, his arm brushing her breast. She smiled to herself — already, he smelled of Chanel.

  ‘Anyway,’ she remembered, with some effort, ‘I’m sharing a room with Jen.’

  ‘Not any more, you’re not. I’m checked in right upstairs.’

  ‘They had a spare room?’ With the wedding party staying, she was surprised.

  ‘Just a suite, actually.’

  Jeez. ‘You didn’t have to do that.’

  His eyes moved over her. ‘Oh, I think I did.’

  ‘I mean we could have stayed somewhere cheaper. We’re all at a motel down the road.’

  ‘You mean there’s somewhere worse than this?’ Luke glanced round the room. His attention returned to her face. ‘Come on.’ He stroked the nape of her neck, his fingers running down her bare back to toy with the zipper of her dress. ‘Come with me.’

  ‘You don’t even want to stay for a drink?’

  His left hand moved higher up her thigh, while the right unzipped her an inch. ‘Do I look like I want to stay for a drink?’

  Yikes. Just as well they’d dimmed the lights. Trying not to giggle, she shook her head.

  ‘What do I look like I want to do?’

  Charlotte caught her lip in her teeth.

  ‘Exactly. So I suggest you come with me now … unless you want me to do it right here.’

  God, he really looked like he might. He pulled her to her feet, smiling wickedly as he re-zipped her dress. With a guilty look round, she tugged at her hem. Luke’s hand lingered in the small of her back while he looked her up and — mainly — down. ‘After you.’

  Hoping the disco lights would disguise the scarlet brand blazing on her forehead, Charlotte swayed through the crowd and out into the foyer.

  ‘This way.’ He guided her to the stairs, then fell back, following two steps behind. Blushing, she tried to concentrate on not falling over as they made their way down the long corridor to … leaning next to the entrance, she peered at the plaque … the Lake Suite. How imaginative. Luke flung open the door.

  ‘Wait.’ Pushing her back against the wall, he kissed her thoroughly, then, as her hands rose behind his neck, picked her up in his arms. ‘Let me get some practice in.’

  Carrying her over the threshold, he dropped her onto the enormous bed, threw his jacket off and began to loosen his tie. Charlotte sat up, looking out through the picture window at the lake and mountains glinting in the moonlight. She climbed off the bed and walked to the terrace doors.

  ‘That’s quite a view.’

  Behind her, Luke unzipped her dress. ‘It will be in a minute.’

  Charlotte woke to an oddly bright room. She looked at the sunlight streaming in through the terrace doors. ‘What time is it?’

  Luke looked over her shoulder at the clock. ‘Nine.’

  Seriously? Charlotte sat up. She hadn’t slept this late since she left uni. Her temples were thudding a bit. Oh shit — she’d never called Jen. She swung her legs out of bed, slipped on Luke’s shirt and started looking for her bag. Ah, there it was on the floor. Bending over, she rummaged for her phone. Right — ON.

  She turned to find Luke sitting up in bed, eyeing the hem of his shirt with interest. ‘What?’

  The phone beeped in her hand. Six voice messages. Uh-oh.

  The first was from Luke — she smiled. The next five were from Jen, and they got progressively worse as the night went on.

  ‘Where are you? Are you all right? Someone said they saw Luke — are you with him? Jesus, Charlie, I’ve been waiting for you for an hour. Will you fucking call me?’

  Charlotte winced.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘I forgot to tell Jen I wasn’t going back to the motel — she’s not very happy with me. I’d better call her.’ It wasn’t exactly an inviting prospect.

  Luke shrugged. ‘Send her a text.’ He reached for the room service menu. ‘Are you hungry? I might order some eggs.’

  Sliding back into bed with the phone, she grappled briefly with her conscience. ‘Sorry,’ she tapped out laboriously. ‘With Luke. See you back home.’ She pressed send.

  ‘You know’ — Luke straightened her collar — ‘you look pretty good in a French cuff.’ His fingers trailed towards the buttons.

  ‘I thought you were ordering breakfast.’ Smiling, she checked the clock. ‘Don’t we have to check out soon?’ She watched his face, half hoping he’d suggest they stay for another night — she really wasn’t looking forward to facing Jen when they got back.

  ‘Hmm.’ He opened the shirt, considering — then, with a sigh and a grin, began buttoning it. ‘I suppose we do.’ He rolled away. ‘Come on — it’s a beautiful day. Let’s go home.’

  Home? As Luke headed for the shower, Charlotte sighed and stretched happily. It really was a beautiful day.

  When they got down to reception at ten, Matt and Siri were checking out too. And Siri’s parents. Oh no — Charlotte, wearing Luke’s suit jacket over last night’s dress, hung her head.

  ‘Gidday.’ Matt looked her up and down and grinned. ‘I thought you disappeared early last night.’

  ‘Charlie!’ Siri gushed ‘Have you heard? We’re going to Nepal! Isn’t it fantastic? I can’t believe he organised it all by himself!’

  Charlotte smiled, and looking up, stole a glance at Luke. He smiled back, his green eyes dancing. It just went to show — they might think they knew best, but sometimes your friends had absolutely no idea what would make you happy.

  Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief as Luke pulled up outside the homestead. Jen’s ute wasn’t there. She was spared the walk of shame, at least. She slipped her heels back on.

  Inside, she found her overnight bag slung on the bedroom floor just inside the doorway. Oh well — at least Jen had brought it back. She changed thankfully into clean underwear and p
ulled on a t-shirt and jeans. Luke, reclining on the bed, watched her lazily, arms folded behind his head.

  ‘How about we take the quad bikes out this afternoon?’

  Putting down her eyeliner, she glanced over her shoulder at him in surprise. ‘Yeah, sure, if you want.’

  ‘We could go up to that place of yours — what’s it called? Something spur?’

  ‘Rough Creek?’

  ‘That’s the one.’

  There was a crunch of gravel outside, followed by the slam of a car door. ‘Ugh.’ Luke got up and went to the window. ‘Here comes my biggest fan.’

  Charlotte smiled apologetically. ‘She’ll get used to you.’ Eventually — surely.

  ‘She’d better.’ Circling the room, he came to stand behind her, studying their reflection in the mirror as his hands slid under her t-shirt. ‘I am doing her boss, after all. She should be worrying about whether I like her.’

  God — she’d never thought about it that way before. Escaping his hands, she turned round. ‘Do you not like Jen?’

  Luke raised his eyebrows.

  ‘Oh, come on,’ she teased, hoping she could make it a joke. ‘You just hate there being a girl you can’t charm.’

  ‘She’s a charm-free zone all right,’ he agreed, his mouth turning down. ‘Anyway’ — he regathered her — ‘I won’t have to see her that much any more once you two stop being flatmates.’

  She stared at him, puzzled.

  ‘She’ll move out,’ he said slowly, ‘when I move down here, right?’ Releasing Charlotte’s hips, he ran both hands through his hair. ‘Tell me she’s going to move out?’

  ‘Yeah … I guess …’ She shook her head. Of course Jen couldn’t live with them. It was just — God, so much was going to have to change. She hadn’t considered this stuff at all.

  ‘Good.’ Luke watched her warily. ‘Because I’m a big boy — I don’t share houses. Or anything else.’ He hooked a finger over the waistband of her jeans. ‘Especially not my wife.’

  Jeez. Wife — it sounded so serious. Was she ready for this? Luke pulled her close. Well, she was certainly ready for something …